#1 at Reliability

Suviio is your go-to source for reliable information, products, and services. Our ongoing commitment to reliability ensures that the products and wellness information we provide is thoroughly researched, up-to-date, without false claims, and easy to understand. We get our products made in USA, at an FDA Certified cGMP facility. The quality ingredients in each capsule are exactly per the product label defined by FDA guidelines. Finally, all our products are tested by a certified independent lab in USA 

Curating the best selection of supplements

We are working diligently to bring you the best and relevant selection of nutritional supplements for men and women over age 50. Our mission is to curate the best selection of products & services that help with healthy aging, mobility, fitness and, immunity. We encourage you to take charge of your health proactively, and live life to the fullest.  


Retail Outlets




Million Customers/ Year



Features Available At Suviio

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Ongoing Supply

With our product formulation, manufacturing, testing, and supply-chain, all location in USA, you will never have to stock up or worry about running out of our products, that you have come to rely on trust. Our streamlined process guarantees that your supply is always replenished on time, giving you peace of mind and convenience with every order. 

Ongoing Supply

With our ongoing supply service, you’ll never have to worry about running out of your essential products. We ensure a steady and uninterrupted delivery of the items you rely on, whether it’s health supplements, personal care products, or household essentials. Our streamlined process guarantees that your supply is always replenished on time, giving you peace of mind and convenience with every order.

Quanlity Products

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Our Mission

Our mission is to empower men and women above age 50 to proactively take charge of their health, by offering them accurate information, clean healthy products, and reliable services. We strive to continuously innovate and make a sustainable & positive impact on the communities we serve. Our vision is to help you increase your healthspan, using our 5-Step CARED approach to stay healthy, independent, and live life to the fullest.  

Our Team

Homayar has been a serial entrepreneur since 1991, co-founder of Suviio since 2016, and a real estate investor since 2018. He is analytical, methodical, and has a resourceful approach to problem-solving, with the ability to motivate people around him. Homayar holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Statistics. He has held leadership positions in various community non-profit organizations in India and USA. Homayar currently lives in Orange County, CA with his wife, Khushnam.

Khushnam Crawford

Co-Founder, COO

Khushnam is an experienced internal audit and regulatory compliance professional. She holds a master’s degree in Economics and work experience with one of the ‘Big 4’ in India and USA. She has managed engagements related to internal audit, risk management, process control, compliance monitoring. She has worked with community non-profits, helping small businesses with strategic planning, operations, and growth strategy. She’s a naturopath by hobby, and an active member of the Zoroastrian community in OC, where she lives with her husband, Homayar.

Eric graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles. With 20+ years of chiropractic practice in Southern California, his philosophy of care includes and emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach. Having volunteered his time to help individuals from high-school to professional sports, has added to his wide-range of experience. Specializing in chronic and acute pain with an emphasis on myofascial pain & dysfunction, he has come to trust the simple yet powerful supplements & practices to lower muscle pain, soreness, and fatigue.

Ann Moncure

Marketing & Brand Ambassador

Ann graduated from Northeastern University in Boston with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. She used these disciplines to define her role in her 30+ years of Advertising experience working on high profile national and international clients such as Australian Tourism, Safeway Ingredients for LIFE campaign, NESTLE Confection brands, American Honda Motor Inc., Make-A-Wish Foundation and Stand Up to Cancer to name a few. She has produced work in all mediums such as print, collateral, POS, direct mail and Outdoor winning the Sunset Strip Outdoor award for her work with MOCA. She has also served as a board member for the Advertising Production Association Los Angeles.

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