What causes Chronic Pain and Inflammation? 

What causes Chronic Pain and Inflammation? 

Our body movements are a direct result of normal muscle function; which is contraction or shortening and relaxation or lengthening of muscle fibers.There are many causes of Chronic Pain.

Causes of Chronic Pain

  • This causes oxygen deficit and increased muscle contraction, which leads to irritation,pain.
  • Persistent contraction in local muscle fibers is a myofascial trigger point, which we commonly know as a Knot.
  • Trigger points or knots, compress local blood vessels which result in reduced blood flow and accumulation of metabolic wastes in the muscle tissue.
  • Inflammation is our body’s immune system’s response to stimulus.

Optimal health requires a proactive approach and a combination of healthy choices in diet, supplemental support, physical fitness and rest. We believe that you have the power to prevent, minimize and maybe even overcome health setbacks, hereditary disease, injury and Chronic Pain conditions.


“I feel less stiff and can move better after taking MyoComfort Plus™ regularly. Also helps me sleep better at night.”     – Evelyn Martinez; California, USA.