10 Superfoods for Muscle Support for an Active Lifestyle

10 Superfoods for Muscle Support for an Active Lifestyle

Usually, when we think of superfoods we think of fruits, vegetables, and extracts that are primarily listed for their levels of antioxidants such as spinach, beetroot, and green tea, but there are so many new, trendy and nutrient-dense foods out there, do you know which superfoods can benefit you the best?

Many of us are willing to perform the essential step of the exercise, yet are also faced with the reality that simple daily activities can result in muscle aches, pain, and soreness that slow us down as we age. While we understand that in order to maintain and optimize muscle health we have to keep moving and stay active, additional discomfort from exercise can be discouraging.

Supplementing your diet with superfoods is a great option for aiding muscle support and recovery. Superfoods are basically whole, natural foods with a notably high concentration of beneficial nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and good fats. In this article, we wrote Top 10 Superfoods for Muscle Support. don’t worry, this is easily available foods at your home that helps for an active lifestyle.  It’s the best place to start when you’re looking for a convenient and tasty way to support your muscles and recover from intense workouts.

Top 10 Superfoods for Muscle Support



As a good source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, flaxseeds are often considered nutritional powerhouses. Lucky for us, ground or milled flaxseeds can be easily mixed into almost any recipe, including cereal, baked goods, yogurt and more. Tip: If you buy whole flaxseeds, grind them right before using to reap all the nutritional benefits.



The potency of this root is obvious just by touching it. Your fingers will be stained orange. The definition of anti-inflammatory, turmeric can do everything. Prevent cancer, inhibit cancer cell growth, relieve rheumatoid arthritis, relieve cystic fibrosis patients and protect against Alzheimer’s.

Tip: Perfect for days your body is aching.

3. Acai Berries


This amazing plant has an incredibly rich nutritional profile. It provides-  Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B Complex, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium and so much more! Some of its benefits include anti-aging, immunity boost, a supply of many nutrients needed by the heart for growth and repair, as well as reducing stress.

4. Kiwi Fruit


Kiwi is known for its amazing health benefits and sweet and sour taste. This fruit can help to prevent the formation of blood clots and thus makes you less prone to cardiovascular diseases, as well as potassium which can speed up the healing process of wounds and cuts by quickly repairing the tissues. It also contains Serotonin which affects the mood and helps in better management of stress.

5. Lentils


Lentils may look like the runt of the legume family, but don’t be fooled. These are rich in dietary fiber and are a good source of iron and folate, which collectively help reduce the risk of heart disease, increase your metabolism and improve digestive health. Talk about big things coming in small packages!

6. Pomegranate


Pomegranates have often taken a backseat to other fruits, but these delicious gems pack arguably a bigger nutritional punch than some of the traditional favorites. Not only are the seeds and juice jam-packed with antioxidants, but they are also high in vitamin C and potassium, and the seeds are a great source of fiber.

Tip: Avoid the mess by deseeding with the pomegranate submerged in water.

7. Cinnamon


The versatile flavor can improve anything from coffee to homemade pancakes. And the nutritional properties stand up against anything. One of the strongest antioxidants on the planet, it’s also anti-diabetic, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-flatulent. That’s a lot of antis.

Tip: If you want your smoothie to taste better with more nutrients, add a pinch. Cinnamon plays amazingly well with a little raw honey and banana.

8. Cacao

10 superfoods for muscle support for an active lifestyle cacao

Cacao or raw chocolate is one of the highest sources of magnesium and the highest plant-based source of iron. It’s a powerful anti-depressant and mood elevator, as well as one of the highest sources of antioxidants.

9. Mint


A simple suggestion but not to be underestimated. Mint soothes indigestion and inflammation, plus it can even reduce pimples. Equal to the digestive power is the flavor. You can make any green smoothie taste like peppermint ice cream with some cacao, dates and fresh mint.

Add this if: you want a green smoothie to taste fresh and light.

10. Butternut Squash


Easy to prepare and packed with vitamins A and C, butternut squash adds a hearty sweetness to any dish. Give your sandwiches a seasonal makeover by creating custom spreads and sauces blended with butternut squash. From a roasted squash, manchego and balsamic-onion grilled cheese to a slice of tangy goat cheese and squash spread on your favorite panini, this quick addition is sure to give any sandwich an extra burst of flavor.

When muscle stiffness and pain make exercising difficult, and previous attempts at strenuous physical activity required significant time to recover from, adding a doctor-formulated supplement for optimizing muscle health might be right for you.

The modern-day diets common to many of us are often lacking in many key nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The resulting nutritional deficiencies will increase the irritability of myofascial trigger points resulting in ‘knots’, as they are commonly known. These inadequacies, combined with physical stress or trauma, also impair our energy metabolism. This results in acute/chronic pain, muscle tenderness/soreness, myofascial dysfunction & pain, leg cramps, fatigue and general loss of energy. Above are the top 10 Superfoods for Muscle Support which are available easily at your home.

Muscle Support & Recovery Supplements

10 Superfoods for Muscle Support for an Active Lifestyle

Sometimes diet isn’t quite enough, especially for those who eat more meals on the go. In those situations, a supplement like

MyoComfort Plus™ 

is designed to address nutritional inadequacies while revitalizing and optimizing your body’s muscle, tissue, and nerve functions, helping with healthy aging. MyoComfort Plus indirectly helps to muscle recovery and soreness.

MyoComfort Plus

is also designed to reduce post-workout aches, pains, fatigue, and soreness while reducing average recovery time. It also helps ease pain and fatigue arising from physical activity, exercise or medication.